Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Forwarded Letter From A Disciple of Al Bundy

 It is a little after midnight and I had a piece written about innovative features this generation. But I wanna scrap that, and go on a rant.
It's Saturday night and I am home. My only night to go out is tonight, and I've spent it here. In front of my laptop, TV, and 360. The majority of my friends are unreliable idiots, which is where my love for gaming may have spawned. Games have always been there for me when I have nothing to do. Tonight I sit alone with my gaming machine. My best friend.

I will probably play NHL 11. I'll put it in, load up a ranked match, get connected with some asshole who just so happens to use the Boston Bruins. He'll score 5 goals and I'll keep pausing the game to annoy him as a final defense to get him to quit instead of myself. But I'd rather spend a night with this asshole than my ex girlfriend.

There is no point to this rant. It's Saturday night and I'm playing video games. This should be acceptable. I can stay in and watch a movie, but staying in to play video games is just outrageous to some. I'll go into work Monday morning and tell people I just "relaxed" over the weekend. Because I can't tell them how I went 16 and 5 in Gears of War 2. Although, I'm fine with my coworker telling me about some "hilarious" movie they watched over the weekend starring Rob Schneider as a red stapler.

Just some thoughts for the mind.

But check this out:


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